18 smooth basswood ply square tiles, clearly colour printed on one side with real photographic images of children showing emotions and feelings. Ideal for talking to children about how they are feeling, teaching them to recognise the feelings of others, and helping them to develop the language to explain their emotions.
The tiles show different children displaying a range of 18 expressions and reactions, ranging from happy and excited to scared and angry. The emotions shown could be identified as a specific feeling, or as a starting point for a conversation about the different possible emotions or feelings being experienced. E.g. the child holding a teddy being comforted looks sad, which could be because he's feeling lonely or shy.
The chunky tiles are 12mm thick, so are a great size for younger children to pick up and hold, and can be laid flat or stood upright. Includes cotton drawstring storage bag.
Our My Emotions Wooden Tiles are In The Spotlight! Read the article here.

Supports the following areas of learning:
• Understanding the World - observation
• Personal Development - self-awareness
• Personal Development - PSHE
• Communication & Language - talking & listening
• Personal Development - collaborative play
Size: 70 x 12mm.
Age: Suitable for all ages.
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